Seafront Enhancements

Swanage Seafront Projects
Swanage Town Council is currently working on three major seafront projects, which will have a significant impact on the future of the town.
1) Swanage Seafront Masterplan
Swanage Seafront Masterplan was unanimously adopted by Swanage Town Council at its recent council meeting on Monday 24th July 

As part of 'Phase Two' of public engagement (between 19th June and 10th July 2023), the public were asked to give their feedback on the draft masterplan, asking their view of the opportunities highlighted and if anything had been missed. This included a drop-in event at the Mowlem Theatre on 22nd June, where over 130 people attended.
'Phase One' of public engagement (from August to December 2022) saw over 1000 people complete a survey, and over 350 people attend events and engagement 'pop-ups'. The survey in Phase Two had 147 responses, with the majority of the responses being positive towards the masterplan.
The opportunities highlighted by the masterplan were generally viewed favourably by the respondents – with the bulk of answers being ‘agree strongly’ or ‘agree somewhat.’
However, 46% of respondents felt that the masterplan may have been missing an opportunity in one of the zones. When broken down, these opportunities were often linked to the management of traffic – with the most popular responses being the pedestrianisation of Shore Road, making Shore Road one way, and reducing parking along the seafront.
Following on from that feedback, the results of the Phase Two engagement along with the results from the initial survey have been presented to Dorset Council Highways, with a view to reviewing the management of traffic along Swanage seafront in 2024.
Additionally, an accessibility forum workshop on the 10th July 2023 regarding the masterplan revealed that the main priorities in terms of improvements for people with disabilities were the installation of an increased number of dropped kerbs, improved beach access, and improvements for people with visual impairments, such as creating tonal and textural contrast. These findings have been incorporated into the masterplan, along with the development of the Disability Reference Group – a group for people with disabilities that can provide critical input regarding potential accessibility issues, and the development of projects in Swanage.
The Town Council has given thanks to the Dorset Coast Forum Team for their professionalism, quality of public engagement, and subsequent report.
2) Swanage Town Coastal Protection Scheme
The Council is working in partnership with Dorset Council and the Environment Agency to implement a coastal defence scheme from the Pier to the Mowlem to protect this area from wave overtopping. A proposal is currently being developed. Further information will be available in the next few months.
3) Sandpit and Weather Station Fields and Spa area Stabilisation
This section of seafront is starting to show clear signs of slippage and ground stabilisation work is necessary to ensure that the area can continue to play a key role in the town’s future.
Since 2020 the Council has been undertaking regular investigation works in this area with probes inserted many metres into the ground to monitor movement and water levels.
Following extensive monitoring of the site, and the recognition that essential stabilisation works take place to protect these well used community greenspaces, Swanage Town Council is asking for feedback on possible options that aim to stabilise and enhance the green seafront that runs parallel to Shore Road.
Swanage Town Council has contracted engineers WSP to draft two options for the stabilisation of the green seafront. The draft options are:
- Option One: An essential scheme option for essential works.
- Option Two: An enhanced option providing more public benefits but is more substantial in terms of scope & cost.
Options are available to view, and you can also have your say by completing a survey online at:
Come along to find out more and chat to the project team at these events:
- 23rd September – ‘Planet Purbeck by the Seaside’ event, 10-3pm.
- 6th October – Swanage Market
- 19th October – Mowlem Theatre Show Bar, 4-7pm
The survey will close on the 31st October.
For further information please visit: Swanage Town Council - News
All projects will include public consultation
The Council will ensure that the public have the opportunity to share their views about these projects. Information will be made available through the local press, social media, on our website and at public events.
For more information please pop in to the Swanage Information Centre or contact on us on 01929 766018 or

Operative inserting ground monitors into Weather Station Field to test stability and water levels, 2023

March 2018 flood event: 📸 Malcolm Turnbull

Temporary seasonal wave barriers provided by the Environment Agency: 📸 Sara Parker