Members of the Town Council’s Emergency Health Services Working Party met with representatives of the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (DCCG) and the South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) on 25th May 2021 to express their strong support for the service provided by the paramedic car.
Councillors were pleased to receive an assurance that funding is not being withdrawn for the service and that its retention is one of the options that DCCG and SWASFT wish to discuss with local residents over coming weeks and months. DCCG and SWASFT are developing alternative options that they wish to put to local residents and the Town Council has sought a further meeting once these have been identified.
Councillors were also assured that there are no plans to dispose of, or redevelop, the ambulance station on Queens Road.
Since the meeting, the Town Council has learnt that the future of the paramedic car has been included as an urgent item on the agenda for next Tuesday’s meeting of Dorset Council’s People and Health Scrutiny Committee.
The relevant agenda paper and a link to view the meeting via MS Teams can be found here:
Thank you.