As part of the Green Seafront Stabilisation Scheme, which encompasses Sandpit Field, Weather Station Field, and the Spa Beach Huts area, the Town Council has engaged specialist geotechnical experts to monitor ground movement and assess risks in these areas. Based on the findings from this monitoring, metal fencing has been installed in certain locations for safety reasons. Additionally, benches have been removed, and sleepers have been placed along the edge of Sandpit Field.
The Council has been informed of a potential risk associated with a section of wall alongside Weather Station Field bordering Walrond Road. In consultation with Dorset Council, metal fencing has been erected along approximately 30 metres of the wall. This measure requires the removal of some parking spaces and the closure of a section of the footpath.
The Council remains committed to actively monitoring ground conditions in this area to ensure public safety while developing long-term plans for the Green Seafront. Further updates for residents and visitors will be provided in the coming months.