Town Council Meetings

Swanage Town Council

The Town Council is governed by twelve Councillors who meet regularly to debate issues and agree policies for matters that affect the town.

Upcoming Meetings

Please click on the following links for dates of upcoming meetings, and for copies of agendas:

Please note that meeting dates may sometimes be amended at short notice. Any changes will be publicised on the Town Council's website 'Home' page under 'Latest News', Facebook page, and also on the Town Hall notice board. 

Public Participation Time

All meetings are open to the public and begin with fifteen minutes of public participation time during which anyone can ask Councillors a question, or make a comment, regarding items on the agenda. There are a number of different meetings.

Full Council Meeting 

Meetings are usually held at 7.00 p.m. at the Town Hall on the fourth/last Monday of the month, however, this may change from time to time, please refer to the schedule of meeting dates above for up-to-date details.

The full Council agrees the minutes of all other meetings, and all policy recommendations made by Council Committees.

Planning and Consultation Committee Meetings

As well as addressing matters of policy, planning applications are considered at these meetings. The Town Council is a statutory consultee regarding all planning applications relating to the parish of Swanage and Councillors' comments regarding these are sent to Dorset Council, whose job it is to determine planning applications as the local planning authority.  

Planning applications can be viewed online on Dorset Council’s website, via the Council's planning application search page.

Committee Meetings

The Council has six standing Committees which meet on a regular basis:

  • Community Services Committee
  • Environment Committee
  • Finance and Governance Committee
  • Personnel Committee
  • Planning and Consultation Committee
  • Tourism and Local Economy Committee

These Committees typically have up to eight Councillors as members, although all other Councillors are free to attend and speak but may not vote. Most Committees also have a number of outside representatives to ensure that relevant bodies are consulted. For example, representatives of the Allotment Association attend the Community Services Committee Meetings, and representatives of the Swanage and District Chamber of Trade attend the Tourism and Local Economy Committee Meetings.

There is also:

  • A Beach Management Advisory Committee which reports to the Tourism and Local Economy Committee;
  • a Traffic Management Advisory Committee, and a Swanage Neighbourhood Plan Sub-committee which both report to the Planning and Consultation Committee;
  • and a Capital Projects Sub-committee which reports to the Community Services Committee.