The Town Hall, High Street, Swanage, Dorset BH19 2NZ
Tel: 01929 423636
Please note that Swanage Town Council is currently in the process of updating this page. Thank you for your patience.
Under the Local Government Transparency Code, 2015, Swanage Town Council is required to make public the following information. Please click on the links below to find the relevant data:
Expenditure over £500 (net of VAT)
Please find below expenditure exceeding £500 for the year 2024/25, as recorded on the Monitoring of Payments schedules:
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 1
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 2
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 3
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 4
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 5
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 6
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 7
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 8
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 9
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 10
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 11
Please find below expenditure exceeding £500 for the year 2023/24, as recorded on the Monitoring of Payments schedules:
Monitoring of Payments - Schedule 12
Please find below expenditure exceeding £500 for the year 2022/23, as recorded on the Monitoring of Payments schedules:
The Council publishes all items of expenditure.
To view Monitoring of Payments schedules for previous years please click the following link to view Council meeting agenda supporting papers:
Swanage Town Council - Agendas
Tender exercises and Contracts over £5,000 (net of VAT)
Further details of the award of all contracts can be found within Council Minutes. Please follow the link to view copies of all Council Minutes:
Swanage Town Council - Council Minutes
Land and Assets
Grants and Donations
Car Parking
Waste Contract
The following information, although mandatory, is not relevant to Swanage Town Council:
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Swanage Boat Park
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